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根据市场价分析,玻璃钢电缆桥架的确比镀锌电缆桥架便宜而且性价比更高,但是考虑到物流成本对比,我们通过成本核算,选择自己就近的电缆桥架企业采购电缆桥架,看看到底哪个更合算,总之, 江南app官方入口在哪里看到厂家认为,选择适合自己的才重要。
According to the market price analysis, GRP cable tray is indeed cheaper and more cost-effective than galvanized cable tray. However, considering the logistics cost comparison, we choose our nearest cable tray enterprise to purchase cable tray through cost accounting to see which is more cost-effective. In a word, Jinan cable tray manufacturers believe that it is important to choose the one that suits them.
1. The quality of fiberglass cable tray is better, otherwise it is better than hot-dip galvanized cable tray. The case company is a nitrogenous fertilizer company with strong corrosivity. The quality of the fiberglass cable tray is poor. Some of the sheaths open after two years of use. Some of the strength of the cable tray is not as good as that of the energy-saving galvanized cable tray with reinforcing ribs.
2. What is the difference between galvanized cable tray and fiberglass cable tray in use? FRP cable tray not only has fire resistance, heat insulation, self extinguishing, but also has high corrosion resistance. It also has the advantages of light structure, aging resistance, safety and reliability. Fiberglass cable tray is mainly corrosion resistant. If the corrosion of the surrounding environment is not strong, galvanized cable tray can be used. The glass fiber reinforced plastic is relatively light, but it is still used more now. Its strength and other comprehensive properties have been greatly improved than before.
3. The glass fiber reinforced plastic cable tray is mainly used in the corrosive gas environment in the chemical plant. It has very good corrosion resistance, beautiful appearance and good aging resistance, and its appearance remains the same after a long time of use.
4. Galvanized cable tray is mainly used in non corrosive gas environment. Its strength should be slightly higher than that of FRP, but its anti-aging performance is not as good as that of FRP.
玻璃钢桥架和镀锌桥架哪个性价比更高?相信通过以上的讲解中,您已经有了答案了,当然您在选用的时候就需要结合实际来做选择,这样选到合适的几率更大。更多相关内容就来我们网站 //www.comprepyme.com为您咨询吧!
Which is more cost-effective, fiberglass cable tray or galvanized cable tray? I believe that through the above explanation, you have the answer. Of course, you need to make a choice based on the actual situation when choosing, so that you have a greater chance to choose the right one. More relevant content will come to our website //www.comprepyme.com Consult for you!
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