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Fireproof spray plastic steel cable tray is a treatment method of spraying fireproof coating on the surface of steel cable tray. Compared with ordinary steel cable trays, fire-resistant spray plastic steel cable trays have the following characteristics:
Good fire resistance: The fireproof coating on the surface of the fire-resistant spray molded steel bridge can play a certain role in fire prevention, effectively slowing down the fire and reducing the risk of fire.
Good corrosion resistance: The fire-resistant spray plastic steel bridge is treated with fire-resistant coating, which can not only prevent fire but also play an anti-corrosion role, extending its service life.
Beautiful and Durable: The surface treatment process of the fireproof spray plastic steel bridge can provide it with good appearance quality and also enhance its durability.
Easy installation: The installation method of fire-resistant spray plastic steel cable tray is the same as that of ordinary steel cable tray, which is simple and convenient to install, saving time and cost.
It should be noted that although fire-resistant spray molded steel cable trays have certain fire resistance performance, they cannot completely prevent the occurrence of fires. Therefore, during use, other fire prevention measures should also be taken, such as using fire barriers and regularly inspecting cable trays.
The difference between fire-resistant spray plastic steel cable trays and indoor spray plastic cable trays mainly lies in the following aspects:
Different fire performance: The fire retardant coating on the surface of the fire-resistant spray molded steel bridge can play a certain role in fire prevention, while the indoor spray molded bridge does not have fire resistance performance.
Applicable places are different: fireproof plastic sprayed steel bridge is mostly used in high-rise buildings, subways, large public places and other places that need strict fire protection, while indoor plastic sprayed bridge is generally used in ordinary indoor environment.
Different materials: Fireproof spray molded steel bridge trays are made of steel as the base material and sprayed with fireproof paint on the surface of the steel bridge frame, while indoor spray molded bridge trays mostly use materials such as plastic and aluminum alloy.
Price difference: Fireproof spray molded steel cable trays have fire resistance and high material costs, resulting in relatively high prices. However, indoor spray molded cable trays have lower material costs and prices.
In summary, there are significant differences in fire performance, applicable locations, materials, and prices between fire-resistant spray molded steel cable trays and indoor spray molded cable trays. The selection of which type of cable tray needs to be based on actual usage scenarios and needs.
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